Friday, December 11, 2015

Copper Chloride and Iron Lab Day 2

     On the second day of the lab, we first dried and measured the mass of the iron nail, then we siphoned off the iron chloride solution ,leaving only the copper. We then washed off the copper first with hydrochloric acid, and then with water.
                                                  Grody                               Our nail after drying

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Copper Chloride and Iron Lab Day 1

     Our first day of the Copper Chloride lab we measured the mass of all the components of the lab and placed the iron nail in to the dissolved Copper Chloride solution.

                  Our nail being placed in the solution                      Our nail 5 minutes later

Monday, December 7, 2015

Stoichiometry Initial Thoughts

So far, Stoichiometry hasn't been too bad, other than making sure you don't mix up your calculations. The limiting and excess reagents and predicting masses have been pretty easy to set up, but I just know that this chapter will get much more complicated. However, I will say I've really enjoyed the format of the notes we've been using -doing worksheet problems and writing extra notes as we go- as opposed to just taking notes in our notebook.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Chemical Reactions Test Reflection

Well that test did not go as I hoped it would, my grade will not look pretty after this! I really need to focus and study more for my next test. I'll probably need to review this chapter for the final.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Chemical Reactions Test Preflection

    I've been studying a lot for our exam on chemical reactions. It was a pain trying to memorize all the Solubility and Oxidation Rules, but I think I've a decent grasp on the subject. There are just so many exceptions! Anyways, I wish everyone good luck on the test.

Activity Series of Metals Lab

Yesterday, we had the Activity Series of Metals Lab. We had to observe the reactions between numerous metals and solutions to determine our own activity series. I thought being able to seee the reaction happen was pretty interesting, but some of the reactions were hard to see, or took a long time to take place.

Redox Notes

We had our lecture on redox reactions on Monday, because we had a workday on Tuesday last week. Though at first, it felt very confusing, but I've once again been using a lot of Khan Academy and numerous other websites and now I think I have a decent understanding of the subject.

These are some of the websites I've been using