Monday, April 18, 2016

Specific Heat of a Metal Lab

      Today, we did a lab where we had to determine the specific heat of a metal by heating it and measuring its change in temperature after dumping it in room temp water. I think me and Zuri did alright disregarding the fact that our percent error was over 200.

Friday, April 15, 2016

New Unit!

     Today we start our Unit on Energy and Phase Changes. Today's lecture was just over the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions. I remember always getting the two confused in physical science, but I hope I don't get the two confused here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Silver Serpent Sails the Cyan Seas!

Unfortunately, I did not get a photo of the Silver Serpent (in all her glory), but I 
think this stock photo is pretty accurate as to what it looked like

     Finally, the day to test our put-put boats has come. Zuri and I came in with high hopes and left with only the bitter taste of defeat to torment our palate, like an apple not quite as ripe as the bosom from which biodiesel giveth and taketh away. Anyhow, congratulations to those who had speedy boats, and to those who had not quite as speedy boats.

     I dedicate this blog post to an underdog that will live on forever in our hearts:

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

More Biodiesel

                                 Remember kids, always waft                 "Looks like mud"

     Another biodiesel themed project (hooray...), but this time, we actually get to synthesize biodiesel. More importantly, we will be using the biodiesel we make to power our put-put boats!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Biodiesel Video Contest!

     Ahhh yes, finally. Our Biodiesel PSA is finished. Lining up schedules and editing all the footage was the hardest part, but I think we ended up with a decent project. Fingers crossed for the chance at some money too!

P.S. And remember: Buy Bio; Ditch Diesel