Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Silver Serpent Sails the Cyan Seas!

Unfortunately, I did not get a photo of the Silver Serpent (in all her glory), but I 
think this stock photo is pretty accurate as to what it looked like

     Finally, the day to test our put-put boats has come. Zuri and I came in with high hopes and left with only the bitter taste of defeat to torment our palate, like an apple not quite as ripe as the bosom from which biodiesel giveth and taketh away. Anyhow, congratulations to those who had speedy boats, and to those who had not quite as speedy boats.

     I dedicate this blog post to an underdog that will live on forever in our hearts:


  1. I thought the boat races were a fun and interesting way to use our biodiesel. I enjoyed watching your boat and I was glad everyone passed in our hour!

  2. What a fun way for us to test our biodiesel. Really enjoyed the different boats, and the break from learning! Your boat was great. (May she rest in peace)

  3. May the Silver Serpent never rest in peace. This unit was really fun with both the video and the boat races. Although our Silver Serpent wasn't a success, we still learned a valuable lesson in making biodiesel and constructing boats. Also, congratulations to the winners! Oh, and check out my post about the Silver Serpent here:
